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  • labeling_function(targets, label_encoder=None, **kwargs)

    Hover's flavor of the Snorkel labeling_function decorator.

    However, due to the dynamic label encoding nature of hover, the decorated function should return the original string label, not its encoding integer.

    • assigns a UUID for easy identification
    • keeps track of LF targets
    Param Type Description
    targets list of str labels that the labeling function is intended to create
    label_encoder dict {decoded_label -> encoded_label} mapping, if you also want an original snorkel-style labeling function linked as a .snorkel attribute
    **kwargs forwarded to snorkel's labeling_function()
    Source code in hover/utils/
    def labeling_function(targets, label_encoder=None, **kwargs):
        ???+ note "Hover's flavor of the Snorkel labeling_function decorator."
            However, due to the dynamic label encoding nature of hover,
            the decorated function should return the original string label, not its encoding integer.
            - assigns a UUID for easy identification
            - keeps track of LF targets
            | Param           | Type   | Description                          |
            | :-------------- | :----- | :----------------------------------- |
            | `targets`       | `list` of `str` | labels that the labeling function is intended to create |
            | `label_encoder` | `dict` | {decoded_label -> encoded_label} mapping, if you also want an original snorkel-style labeling function linked as a `.snorkel` attribute |
            | `**kwargs`      |        | forwarded to `snorkel`'s `labeling_function()` |
        # lazy import so that the package does not require snorkel
        # Feb 3, 2022: snorkel's dependency handling is too strict
        # for other dependencies like NumPy, SciPy, SpaCy, etc.
        # Let's cite Snorkel and lazy import or copy functions.
        # DO NOT explicitly depend on Snorkel without confirming
        # that all builds/tests pass by Anaconda standards, else
        # we risk having to drop conda support.
        from snorkel.labeling import (
            labeling_function as snorkel_lf,
            LabelingFunction as SnorkelLF,
        def wrapper(func):
            # set up kwargs for Snorkel's LF
            # a default name that can be overridden
            snorkel_kwargs = {"name": func.__name__}
            # return value of hover's decorator
            lf = SnorkelLF(f=func, **snorkel_kwargs)
            # additional attributes
            lf.uuid = uuid.uuid1()
            lf.targets = targets[:]
            # link a snorkel-style labeling function if applicable
            if label_encoder:
                lf.label_encoder = label_encoder
                def snorkel_style_func(x):
                    return lf.label_encoder[func(x)]
                lf.snorkel = snorkel_lf(**kwargs)(snorkel_style_func)
                lf.label_encoder = None
                lf.snorkel = None
            return lf
        return wrapper