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  • hover.core.representation.reduction

    Linker data structures which tie (potentially multiple) dimensionality reducers to arrays.

    The point is to make it clear which reduction is in reference to which array.

    Icing on the cake: unify the syntax across different kinds of reducers.

    DimensionalityReducer (Loggable)

    Source code in hover/core/representation/
    class DimensionalityReducer(Loggable):
        def __init__(self, array):
            ???+ note "Link self to the shared input array for reduction methods."
                | Param   | Type         | Description                   |
                | :------ | :----------- | :---------------------------- |
                | `array` | `np.ndarray` | the input array to fit on     |
            self.reference_array = array
        def create_reducer(method=None, *args, **kwargs):
            ???+ note "Handle kwarg translation and dynamic imports."
                | Param      | Type   | Description              |
                | :--------- | :----- | :----------------------- |
                | `method`   | `str`  | `"umap"` or `"ivis"`     |
                | `*args`    |        | forwarded to the reducer |
                | `**kwargs` |        | translated and forwarded |
            if method is None:
                method = hover.config["data.embedding"]["default_reduction_method"]
            if method == "umap":
                import umap
                reducer_cls = umap.UMAP
            elif method == "ivis":
                import ivis
                reducer_cls = ivis.Ivis
                raise ValueError("Expected 'umap' or 'ivis' as reduction method")
            translated_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
            for _key, _value in kwargs.items():
                _trans_dict = KWARG_TRANSLATOR.get(_key, {})
                if method in _trans_dict:
                    _trans_key = _trans_dict[method]
                    translated_kwargs[_trans_key] = _value
            reducer = reducer_cls(*args, **translated_kwargs)
            return reducer
        def fit_transform(self, method=None, *args, **kwargs):
            ???+ note "Fit and transform an array and store the reducer."
                | Param      | Type   | Description              |
                | :--------- | :----- | :----------------------- |
                | `method`   | `str`  | `"umap"` or `"ivis"`     |
                | `*args`    |        | forwarded to the reducer |
                | `**kwargs` |        | forwarded to the reducer |
            if method is None:
                method = hover.config["data.embedding"]["default_reduction_method"]
            reducer = DimensionalityReducer.create_reducer(method=method, *args, **kwargs)
            embedding = reducer.fit_transform(self.reference_array)
            setattr(self, method, reducer)
            return embedding
        def transform(self, array, method=None):
            ???+ note "Transform an array with a already-fitted reducer."
                | Param      | Type         | Description              |
                | :--------- | :----------- | :----------------------- |
                | `array`    | `np.ndarray` | the array to transform   |
                | `method`   | `str`        | `"umap"` or `"ivis"`     |
            if method is None:
                method = hover.config["data.embedding"]["default_reduction_method"]
            assert isinstance(array, np.ndarray), f"Expected np.ndarray, got {type(array)}"
            # edge case: array is too small
            if array.shape[0] < 1:
                return np.array([])
            reducer = getattr(self, method)
            return reducer.transform(array)

    __init__(self, array) special

    Link self to the shared input array for reduction methods.
    Param Type Description
    array np.ndarray the input array to fit on
    Source code in hover/core/representation/
    def __init__(self, array):
        ???+ note "Link self to the shared input array for reduction methods."
            | Param   | Type         | Description                   |
            | :------ | :----------- | :---------------------------- |
            | `array` | `np.ndarray` | the input array to fit on     |
        self.reference_array = array

    create_reducer(method=None, *args, **kwargs) staticmethod

    Handle kwarg translation and dynamic imports.
    Param Type Description
    method str "umap" or "ivis"
    *args forwarded to the reducer
    **kwargs translated and forwarded
    Source code in hover/core/representation/
    def create_reducer(method=None, *args, **kwargs):
        ???+ note "Handle kwarg translation and dynamic imports."
            | Param      | Type   | Description              |
            | :--------- | :----- | :----------------------- |
            | `method`   | `str`  | `"umap"` or `"ivis"`     |
            | `*args`    |        | forwarded to the reducer |
            | `**kwargs` |        | translated and forwarded |
        if method is None:
            method = hover.config["data.embedding"]["default_reduction_method"]
        if method == "umap":
            import umap
            reducer_cls = umap.UMAP
        elif method == "ivis":
            import ivis
            reducer_cls = ivis.Ivis
            raise ValueError("Expected 'umap' or 'ivis' as reduction method")
        translated_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        for _key, _value in kwargs.items():
            _trans_dict = KWARG_TRANSLATOR.get(_key, {})
            if method in _trans_dict:
                _trans_key = _trans_dict[method]
                translated_kwargs[_trans_key] = _value
        reducer = reducer_cls(*args, **translated_kwargs)
        return reducer

    fit_transform(self, method=None, *args, **kwargs)

    Fit and transform an array and store the reducer.
    Param Type Description
    method str "umap" or "ivis"
    *args forwarded to the reducer
    **kwargs forwarded to the reducer
    Source code in hover/core/representation/
    def fit_transform(self, method=None, *args, **kwargs):
        ???+ note "Fit and transform an array and store the reducer."
            | Param      | Type   | Description              |
            | :--------- | :----- | :----------------------- |
            | `method`   | `str`  | `"umap"` or `"ivis"`     |
            | `*args`    |        | forwarded to the reducer |
            | `**kwargs` |        | forwarded to the reducer |
        if method is None:
            method = hover.config["data.embedding"]["default_reduction_method"]
        reducer = DimensionalityReducer.create_reducer(method=method, *args, **kwargs)
        embedding = reducer.fit_transform(self.reference_array)
        setattr(self, method, reducer)
        return embedding

    transform(self, array, method=None)

    Transform an array with a already-fitted reducer.
    Param Type Description
    array np.ndarray the array to transform
    method str "umap" or "ivis"
    Source code in hover/core/representation/
    def transform(self, array, method=None):
        ???+ note "Transform an array with a already-fitted reducer."
            | Param      | Type         | Description              |
            | :--------- | :----------- | :----------------------- |
            | `array`    | `np.ndarray` | the array to transform   |
            | `method`   | `str`        | `"umap"` or `"ivis"`     |
        if method is None:
            method = hover.config["data.embedding"]["default_reduction_method"]
        assert isinstance(array, np.ndarray), f"Expected np.ndarray, got {type(array)}"
        # edge case: array is too small
        if array.shape[0] < 1:
            return np.array([])
        reducer = getattr(self, method)
        return reducer.transform(array)